Monday, March 18, 2013

Monster Jam

The last couple of years, in lieu of buying so many "gifts", we have purchased tickets to an event as part of Trent's Christmas present...2012 was no exception!
Friday night we able to take him to Monster Jam at the Van Andel Arena
Section 208 is "our section"... every time we have gone to event we get seats in the 208 section....its in the upper level but right on the edge and usually right at the finish line!
Some of the best parts of the show is the in between "show"....
this is a jet Steve would call it "a jet engine with 4 wheels attached to it".
....and let me tell you  you could feel that heat in section 208!
They stated that it goes 204 miles per hour..not in there of!
What boy wouldn't like that???
I wish would have gotten a picture of the transformers that had a "fight"....but I was getting treats!

and for the record they have a freestyle competition...they "claimed" Grave digger won but no way!  
I am no Monster Truck judge but even my eye could see that he didn't win! 
The hands down winner was Grinder, from the perspective of the people in Section 208!
spending an evening with your kids..Priceless!

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