Which is a big problem for me...these hands have seen dishwater in.....I don't know how long...and they like it that way!
When I first was thinking of getting a dishwasher, about 10 years ago...I wasn't sure I wanted one...what was I thinking about? It seems that the control which tells it when to put water in, is worn out..go figure. Steve tried to 'tweek' it, but it can't be 'tweeked'. He must have taken it apart 12 times today, thinking he was missing something that would make it work...nope! Now, we aren't keeping track but you do remember the post a couple months back..Mr Fix-it! He seems to be on a bad roll....
The Solution:
I know, this isn't for small children to view..please cover their eyes. It's not a sight ever seen before.....

Steve and Tyler bonding over washing dishes..WOW...my eyes can bearly believe it! They discussed our dating days and other subjects while Tyler dried and Steve washed. I couldn't help but capture this moment in time!

Thanks guys for pitching in! Steve, it was truly a blessing to see you lead by example. Your boys bonused-out when they got you for a dad!
Only $20...that's not bad!
It is really hard to feel sorry for you when you have the guys doing the dishes:)
Best of luck getting it working again.
nice job steve. i don't understand why joanne appears surprised by your greatness? i just assume you are great and go from there.
I know what you mean about being without a dishwasher. It takes so much time to wash dishes by hand. Yet it is a great way to get people talking. Remember this ploy when you need to get someone to open up!
Our dishwasher seems not to be cleaning a well as it use to. It keeps leaving stuff in the upper rack glasses. Sometimes the glasses come out dirtier then when they went in? (Which makes me want to wash everything by hand to ensure they are clean!) I don't get it. Does Mr. Fix It have any suggestions on this problem?
We have revoked all of Mr. Fix-it's consulting privileges till further notice.
I told Troy to have Dad fix something..he said "no way, Dad can't fix anything". I said "let's give him something easy to boost his confidence!
You are so bad.LOL!!! Poor Steve, well if he thinks of something have him let me know!
Have Steve give me a call. Maybe I can help!!
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