Mr. Fix-it is on probation for now. We are pretty sure we are back up and running but I usually have to give it a week to make sure everything is good!
We thought we had our problem solved on Wednesday, when Steve went to pick up his brothers broken dishwasher that had the part we needed...perfect we thought. How does that saying go...'if it's to good to be true it probably is!' Needless to say, the part didn't work and now we were up by one broken dishwasher!

So we turned to what else..eBay! We purchased the part and in a very timely manner it came..today! So eagerly Steve put it in, as to boost his self esteem...hmmm....there seems to be a problem?? It's still not working properly....now it seems to be another part...what...how can this be?
Oh...where will we get this part on Saturday afternoon...oh....the dishwasher in the back of his truck.....bonus! So in he comes with

Okay, I'm not sure what was truly broken....I'm just glad it's working. I'm doing a happy dance!

Jaxi and Trent doing there part!
Now wait a minute!... I fail at fixing something and the whole world comments... Now I perform a miracle and no one comments????
Oh, Steve. What would Jesus do? I'm sure he would not complain that no one had not praised him.
I am jealous though that Joanne is married to Mr. Fix it. Mark, the love of my life, just isn't handy like that. I'm sure if this dishwasher works for another week that you will have earned your Mr. Fix It title back from Joanne!
What would Jesus do?...He would have laid hands on it and it would have been healed! (a week ago!) ...snicker!...snicker!
Yeah Steve! I'm rejoicing right along with you Joanne. We get dependent on the use of modern technology and when it's gone - yikes! (We've recently had computer issues again so I understand.)
steve, as you and I know.. the key to success is that the women in our lives give us some respect and appreciation.
i'm sorry you are not receiving enough.. so let me step up and be the woman ;) way to go stud! i not only knew you could do it.. i respect you for taking your sweet time in order to help joanne see how much she needs you.
well done!
Hey Steve, you are a STUD in my eyes! You 'rock' my world and all that other stuff!
I'm not looking for someone to fix my dishwasher just someone to load it!!
Joanne, be thankful Steve is so handy ....Jack just calls a repair man and then he GRUMBLES GRUMBLES & GRUMBLES some more at what he had to pay to have things fixed ....
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