I recently purchase one of those plastic storage shelf units. Tonight was the night!...the night we assemble! I carefully laid out all the pieces. Troy said he could help.."it's just like Lego's!" We were moving right a long in the process, when two pieces decided to kick up a fuss! They wouldn't go together! I attempted it myself at first...then asked my friend PAM to help..she is more familiar in 9x13 pans though!
How hard could this really be..it had no screws...only 'snap' as the directions stated...in 5 languages! I called in Tyler, as my first choice was at a meeting! The analytical guy he is, surveyed the situation and started to take things apart. That's when PAM really helped...we were able to persuade the stubborn pieces to 'sssssslide' together.
Now that we had the sides on, the rest should go together like a dream. After about 4 attempts on the doors we finally got it...or should I say Tyler! This is like husband building practice. We now know he will be able to put together a plastic storage unit someday!

Does the door go on this way?.........

Or this way?........
Maybe this way?.......
waiting for shelves!.......
In our defense some of the pieces were labeled wrong...we think...at least that's our story! I think it should have taken about ½ hour to put this together.....we only added an hour to that number...but whose counting!
I know, you are all thinking this about my infatuation with Steve.....I do have an infatuation with him.....but that is for another post!
This is about boys and there infatuation with fire....and sharp objects..namely knives! What is it with fire? They love it. Steve let the older boys get Zippo lighters...I'm wondering what he was thinking??? I'm thinking they are going to burn something...they probably are too! They were trying to tell me that they were going to take them to school tomorrow..Not!
I understand Steves modivation for getting the boys Zippos. He sells Firetrucks, right? Zippos start fires, houses burn down, Steve sells more Firetrucks.
Love the firetruck theory!
Nice cabinet. You said it's plastic? It look like wood and it looks nice. I too do not like the assembly of products. Wouldn't it be great if there were companies who actually assembled items for people. Maybe your boys could start a business.
I have two Zippo lighters for no other reason other than just to have them, and I love them! I even have a zippo lighter application on my iPod touch, so I can play with a virtual lighter when I'm not at home. They're fantastic, and a sign of trust between father and son. Giving your kid a zippo or a knife is like saying, "Here, have this. I know you are trustworthy enough to respect this tools boundaries while still having fun." I could write a manifesto on the subject, but maybe this isn't the time or place :D
I just keep telling Dad how lucky he was to have 3 girls!!
Seriously...he was lucky! All he ever had to do that was challenging was be a taste tester.
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