Trent and I had a few free minutes on our hands tonight so we played a game! The game he chose was Lego Creator. It's kind of a fun game. You get a card and then you try to get the pieces to complete your vehicle. Some are race cars, some are helicopters, some are get the idea.

Trent of course beat me....I was so close to taking him! I know I could have done it, had I had one more turn! I think he cheated! He built the helicopter.....

It's a fun game, if you have a Lego fan in your house!
What a cool game! I've never seen that before. We will have to definitely get that for Cole once he gets a bit older. He's our little builder and I know he would love it! Nice way to spend some quality time with your little guy, Joanne!
I don't know if they still sell it...I bought it at a garage sale. Maybe eBay or CL..I'll keep a look out for one. doesn't take all night to play.
I might have to look for it for Joel. I miss the Candyland years!
awesome game joanne! don't let joel know about it.
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