Who knew it was Dr. Seuss's birthday this month?....I'm guessing everyone that has an elementary student. So to honor him, Trent and I made
Green Eggs and no ham for his breakfast
this morning.
He enjoyed them....but I'm not so sure about them. I'm sure they tasted great.
We will have to make them again, on Tues morning for St. Patty's Day.
i do so love green eggs and ham.. i do so love them trent the man!
This is Cole's favorite book right now. He loves to say, "I will not eat them ANYWHERE!" Kudos on making them at home - glad Trent ate them and liked them, 'cuz I'm sort of with you, Joanne!
I just want to know why I didn't get breakfast this morning?
steve, let me explain your dilemma:
you did not get the eggs and pan.
you did not crack them with your hand.
you did not scramble them in the pan
so, you did not eat green eggs and ham.
Tod...where do you come up with this stuff...never a lack for words!
You bring us much joy!
okay.. that first one was right off the top of my head...
i just spent another five minutes and i think i have a better explanation for you steve. try this one out:
You did not get the eggs and pan
You did not crack them with your hand
You did not stand, stir and wait
You did not go and get a plate
You did not walk them to the table
You might have, though, we know you're able
You failed to execute the plan
Which means you had no eggs sans ham
or this one... (okay.. this is the last one.. i gotta get back to work..)
You did not get the eggs and pan
You did not crack them with your hand
You did not stand, stir and wait
You did not go and get a plate
You did not walk them to the table
You might have, though, we know you're able
In truth, your thoughts as I intuit
Were you expected Jo would do it
But Jo was tired from playing mom
And so she dropped her little bomb
No eggs for you! with that attitude
I'm exhausted caring for the brood
If you really want green eggs sans ham
Take me out to eat - my loving man!
....We went to AppleBee's tonight.
I will not attempt a rhyme.
BUT, I will say that when I was a kid, my dad would take out his teeth (he's had false ones his whole adult life) and read me this book with no teeth - it was hilarious! :-)
That's too funny..Sara. Maybe Tod can do the rhyming for you?
i woo wot wike gween eggs and wham
i woo wot wike whem sam i wham
Tod... are you picking on someone with no teeth?
apparently. sorry ;( lost my mind (some time ago)
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