We had a wonderful time at our annual Grayling get away. It hasn't always been in Grayling but the majority of the years it has been...so we refer to it as our Grayling trip. We were trying to recall how many years we have gotten together...we think this was our 9th year! Amazing....that we have been able to continue a tradition this long!
It was a brainstorm of Bonnie's one year, she was trying to figure out a gift for her grown-up kids. Her sister Karen liked the idea and they decided to do the same for their grown-up kids. We agreed on a time to go and it was instantly a favorite part of our holidays!! The first year we went, we arrived on Christmas day...the place was empty! We have since moved the date around but have always kept it right around the holidays. The last couple of years we have gone over New Years Eve..which has always led to some extra excitement.
We've tried other hotels but nothing works like the Holidome (used to be a Holiday Inn now it's a Ramada Inn....maybe a Ramadadome??) We have rented a conference room for a day so we have a pizza party and then have some kinda of service/program type thing. Last year Craig and Kristi had a brainstorm on their way up to the hotel...a Talent Show! What a great idea! We all enjoyed it very much. Some sang, shared testimonies, tricks, instrument...whatever they could think of...we only found out about it when we arrived...no practice time!! Impromptu talent!! So this year we decide we wanted to attempt the 2nd annual talent show. We had great participation...we must be a talented family....or think we have talent!?!? Is there still talent left for next year?!?! Will Justin be able to cram three pieces of pizza in his mouth....we don't know???
We also very much enjoy Craig's video of the previous year. He never is lacking in good material to use! Thanx Aunt Karen for flexing your muscles with the guys! And Lynette for the silly string spraying. Chris also had all the guys playing 'Ha' a game from Japan....which was very funny!
This year we were honored to have the Sadowitz family join us! They are missionaries serving in Japan home on Furlough. They were able to join us 4 years ago in Traverse City...he made the polar dip happen!! They served as Youth Pastor at KCBC probably around 15 years ago..they have always remained good friends of ours!! We always enjoy their company! It was good to catch up with them and reminisce about their years at KCBC. Thanx Sadowitz family for making this trip with us...you made it special!
These trips will always hold fond memories for us and our kids!! A gift that keeps on giving...what could be better! Thanx for thinking outside the box Bonnie (and Neil..for letting her!)(I stole that from Taco Bell...don't tell) It has been a blessing to us and our kids!! Thank You!!
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