Tod, Julie, Joel and Hannah came in on Sunday night the 21st! Yeah you remember the night, it was a blizzard! Their plane was due to arrive@ 6pm by way of Chicago.....we were thinking not gonna happen! We headed down to GR, arrived at 6 to a under construction airport. We ran in and waited to find out their plane had been delayed in Chicago...surprise! Well to make a long story short, they did arrive by 10pm...not bad for blizzard conditions! Hannah in flip flops...she's 18...we think??? It was one of those drives home, when you hope you are at least on the road...we couldn't see a thing! Well.....Welcome to Michigan! (hard to believe it was like 60 today and we have NO snow!) The Henderson's live in California, while Joel makes his home in Salem, Oregon.
John, Janice, Arie and Andrew arrived on Dec. 26 from Indiana. They had a 6 hour trek behind them. Arie will graduate in the spring and Andrew is a Sophomore.
Julie is the oldest while Janice holds the title of middle child, that makes me the baby. I won't give our ages but if it helps, we will all be in our 40's after June!! YIKES! Some closer to 50! =) Double Yikes!
On to the pics....
Here are some more of the "Holiday Happenings"! First we have the "game table" at Dad & Linda's house. There were few times (like, when we were eating!) when there wasn't a game being played at the table. We are a big game family! We played Blitz, Prediction, UNO, Phase 10 (that would like, never end!) and of course...Euchre. We would call out a game and everyone came running! Steve had a headache on day and I said maybe you shouldn't go over...there's only two volumes loud and louder.
Next is Myself, Julie and Janice after opening presents. Janice is wearing hers....a red robe! I know, I know I was adopted. They use to tell me that when I was little....now I claim it!!=) They definitely have my mom's looks!
Lastly is Trent and Aunt Julie playing Guitar Hero. I think Trent took her!? I even played... against Grandma Linda...I picked someone I knew I could beat! Dad even played against Tyler...Go Dad! We had some guitar play-offs...I was not part of those! As a matter of fact, I never witnessed Uncle Tod or Uncle John playing.....hummmmm!
There were many more fun and very memorable moments that we had together. I can't post all the pictures. It's always a challenge for me to pick the pictures that tell the story. I always have to leave out so many! If I had my way, it would be all pictures!
We had Family Fun Day on the Thursday after Chritmas...which I will post about later...check back.....
I had a great time. We loved the snow!! I let Trent win at guitar hero :) I'm just now coming off the Mt. Dew high.
julie made it exactly until Jan 12th with her new year's resolution... 'No Mountain Dew in 2008'. She got one this weekend! Cheater!
next, i DID play guitar hero during our stay. i think troy and i had quite a jam session.. didn't we troy??
it was fun to be there and play all sorts of games.. although not quite sure i can say that about our phase-10-athons. whew....
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