It started at Olan Mills with a family picture and a lot more! We purchased like 79 sheets of pictures...the lady thought we were a little off! (she might be right!)
Then off to the Star on Alpine. Some went to see National Treasure and some chose Alvin and the Chipmunks. The lady there thought we were a little off also! (I'm seeing a pattern)
Then to end it all, we topped it off with a meal at Fire Mountain (aka..The Flame) The lady there didn't seem to think we were off a little...go figure! It's hard to travel around town with a group of 15 and not seem a little odd. Julie claims she is the only Indian in her family...I think not! The way she had us all organized at the movies....would have scared anyone!...it was all good!
Most of all we had a wonderful time as a family....some can't claim that! We do a lot of laughing and just plain enjoying each others company. (I hope I'm speaking for all of us!)
I'm not sure when Dad's card will recover from "Family Fun Day".....Thanx Dad & Linda
We had a great time. Fire Mountian is my new favorite place. All they need is Mt.Dew and they will be perfect. I can't wait to see the picture too!!
We do have a lot of fun when we come see you guys. This whole family is a lot of fun to hang around with.
I remember when we first met Linda.. overturning her tube when we went tubing. Figured she needed to figure out what she was up against before she married into this group!
Sounds like so much funnnnnn!!!!
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