~joanne *Ü*
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The winner is......
~joanne *Ü*
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Can you say FFFFFFreeeezing......

We are having a real winter blast here......not 'blast', as in lots of fun...... but COLD!!! It is like freezing here. Yesterday it was in the 40's and it dropped like 20° in just a few hours. They say it could be -15° with the windchill today. I'm not going outside! Steve is heading to Ludington. This is a picture by our deck steps....that drift really is that high. The wierd thing is, part of the yard is bearly covered with snow. It's not snowing a lot....but what's there, is just blowing around!
Well, we do live in Michigan!! I guess we aren't in Florida...so we have to expect this! But do the kids have to have 2 days off in a row??
Dad just said he was heading out to go golfing!...retirement! (he's in Alabama)
~joanne *Ü*
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Kreative Kid.....

This is our creative kid! He can't have a bun, so he decided to enjoy his hotdog on a green pepper! Not really what I would have picked! He has taken a liking to green peppers all of the sudden. Steve and I both like them in things but not a favorite raw! The other night he wanted one for his snack!
He is certainly a testament to God's answered prayers. When we found out Trent had Celiac Disease, I prayed that he would enjoy the foods he could have and that he wouldn't crave the things he couldn't have. That's exactly what he does! He has a sense of what not to eat...God's answered prayer! I would be lying if I said it was easy.....BUT it has become a lot easier after being gluten free almost 5 years now! I even made a loaf of GF bread today and it tasted really good! GF has come a long way, even in the last 5 years!
Notice the two tone cupboards in the background...I wasn't trying to show that! It is our "project" for '08 (hopefully some others too!) We are making progress...slow and steady wins the race...right?? We have 2 coats of Kilz on walls and cupboards and 1 coat of paint on trim and cupboards. We still need to paint walls, empty all drawers, Kilz/paint drawers and I want to paint the inside of the all the cupboards. We are also putting up wainscot on the table wall and that will need to be painted. Slow and steady right????.....
~joanne *Ü*
Trent pic
Monday, January 21, 2008
Day off....

Today the kids had school off. Not sure it was a day of for the parents! =) So we headed to the movies....which we seldom do! I think, in part, of the selection that is available and the price of the movies tickets and the popcorn and.... The boys spent some of their Christmas money to pay for their tickets.
Trent and I enjoyed The Pirates that don't do anything. It was very enjoyable! We both a good laugh now and then...I think me more than him!! Rivards and some of the Hammerstrom gang where also there!!
Tyler and Troy didn't think this was their kinda movie so they chose another. After the movies, we did some shopping...very little.... with boys.
Tyler was our chauffeur today...eeekk! I think I said a lot of "slow downs" One thing I have noticed is driving on a highway at 65 MPH is a lot more settling than Alpine at 30 MPH!!! You all just wait...if you haven't already been here, you will and you will be saying all those same things I said today!! When your kids are 10 it seems like you would be glad to ride with them, help them in this new endeavor and encourage them on the do's and don't's of good driving!...that's what I thought too!!!
Maybe I'm just a control freak when it comes to driving. I'll be honest, I like to drive, I like to know when we are stopping, turning and where we are going to park. I've been known to ask Steve if I can drive, especially on Alpine...I figured that it's my territory....I know the way around that neck of the woods!! You probably can guess his answer...NO!
I like to think I come from a long line of gifted drivers...the Rexford family...just ask us we will be glad to tell you! I told Steve, not to long ago, that I must have been a 'natural' at driving...he laughed! I didn't think that was funny!! How come we all think we are good drivers?? I think I'm good....Steve thinks he's good...Tyler thinks he's good....Is anyone a bad driver?? Will they admit it??........
Friday, January 18, 2008
Until Next Year.....
Sitting around relaxing and playing games in the pool area
excerpts from the 2nd annual talent show
Special friends & guests the Sadowitz's...Chris, Donna, Jessica, Dan, Michelle and Naomi
Naomi on 'all the pizza you can eat' night
Half of the 'group' in the Birch Room
Other half of the 'group'
Okay, Okay, I know I'm still posting about the holidays...but this is about the end of the fun!! Until next year.....
We had a wonderful time at our annual Grayling get away. It hasn't always been in Grayling but the majority of the years it has been...so we refer to it as our Grayling trip. We were trying to recall how many years we have gotten together...we think this was our 9th year! Amazing....that we have been able to continue a tradition this long!
It was a brainstorm of Bonnie's one year, she was trying to figure out a gift for her grown-up kids. Her sister Karen liked the idea and they decided to do the same for their grown-up kids. We agreed on a time to go and it was instantly a favorite part of our holidays!! The first year we went, we arrived on Christmas day...the place was empty! We have since moved the date around but have always kept it right around the holidays. The last couple of years we have gone over New Years Eve..which has always led to some extra excitement.
We've tried other hotels but nothing works like the Holidome (used to be a Holiday Inn now it's a Ramada Inn....maybe a Ramadadome??) We have rented a conference room for a day so we have a pizza party and then have some kinda of service/program type thing. Last year Craig and Kristi had a brainstorm on their way up to the hotel...a Talent Show! What a great idea! We all enjoyed it very much. Some sang, shared testimonies, tricks, instrument...whatever they could think of...we only found out about it when we arrived...no practice time!! Impromptu talent!! So this year we decide we wanted to attempt the 2nd annual talent show. We had great participation...we must be a talented family....or think we have talent!?!? Is there still talent left for next year?!?! Will Justin be able to cram three pieces of pizza in his mouth....we don't know???
We also very much enjoy Craig's video of the previous year. He never is lacking in good material to use! Thanx Aunt Karen for flexing your muscles with the guys! And Lynette for the silly string spraying. Chris also had all the guys playing 'Ha' a game from Japan....which was very funny!
This year we were honored to have the Sadowitz family join us! They are missionaries serving in Japan home on Furlough. They were able to join us 4 years ago in Traverse City...he made the polar dip happen!! They served as Youth Pastor at KCBC probably around 15 years ago..they have always remained good friends of ours!! We always enjoy their company! It was good to catch up with them and reminisce about their years at KCBC. Thanx Sadowitz family for making this trip with us...you made it special!
These trips will always hold fond memories for us and our kids!! A gift that keeps on giving...what could be better! Thanx for thinking outside the box Bonnie (and Neil..for letting her!)(I stole that from Taco Bell...don't tell) It has been a blessing to us and our kids!! Thank You!!

We had a wonderful time at our annual Grayling get away. It hasn't always been in Grayling but the majority of the years it has been...so we refer to it as our Grayling trip. We were trying to recall how many years we have gotten together...we think this was our 9th year! Amazing....that we have been able to continue a tradition this long!
It was a brainstorm of Bonnie's one year, she was trying to figure out a gift for her grown-up kids. Her sister Karen liked the idea and they decided to do the same for their grown-up kids. We agreed on a time to go and it was instantly a favorite part of our holidays!! The first year we went, we arrived on Christmas day...the place was empty! We have since moved the date around but have always kept it right around the holidays. The last couple of years we have gone over New Years Eve..which has always led to some extra excitement.
We've tried other hotels but nothing works like the Holidome (used to be a Holiday Inn now it's a Ramada Inn....maybe a Ramadadome??) We have rented a conference room for a day so we have a pizza party and then have some kinda of service/program type thing. Last year Craig and Kristi had a brainstorm on their way up to the hotel...a Talent Show! What a great idea! We all enjoyed it very much. Some sang, shared testimonies, tricks, instrument...whatever they could think of...we only found out about it when we arrived...no practice time!! Impromptu talent!! So this year we decide we wanted to attempt the 2nd annual talent show. We had great participation...we must be a talented family....or think we have talent!?!? Is there still talent left for next year?!?! Will Justin be able to cram three pieces of pizza in his mouth....we don't know???
We also very much enjoy Craig's video of the previous year. He never is lacking in good material to use! Thanx Aunt Karen for flexing your muscles with the guys! And Lynette for the silly string spraying. Chris also had all the guys playing 'Ha' a game from Japan....which was very funny!
This year we were honored to have the Sadowitz family join us! They are missionaries serving in Japan home on Furlough. They were able to join us 4 years ago in Traverse City...he made the polar dip happen!! They served as Youth Pastor at KCBC probably around 15 years ago..they have always remained good friends of ours!! We always enjoy their company! It was good to catch up with them and reminisce about their years at KCBC. Thanx Sadowitz family for making this trip with us...you made it special!
These trips will always hold fond memories for us and our kids!! A gift that keeps on giving...what could be better! Thanx for thinking outside the box Bonnie (and Neil..for letting her!)(I stole that from Taco Bell...don't tell) It has been a blessing to us and our kids!! Thank You!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Christmas...Act 4...

Here we are enjoying a little Michigan snow. These were taken between Christmas and New Years. We were sledding on a smaller hill next to Dad and Linda's house. We bearly had enough snow to go down the hill!
1st Pic is Trent going down by himself.
Next pic is Hannah in a tote (we were a little short on sleds!!)...it didn't slide real well! with her is Andrew, Joel, Aunt Janice and Gracie!
Next is Julie and I making a run of it! The kids built a snow fort (which they are behind)...kinda can't see the walls very well. **** And my personal favorite......Dad and Linda going down together...isn't that cute! You would have thought they were going down a REALLY steep hill by the look on Linda's face!! Don't you think that should be on the front of their Christmas cards next year??.......Thanx for having fun with the kids!! Last but not least the kids hooked two sleds together and went down. That's Troy, Trent, Hannah and Andrew (legs only)
They had a fun time, even if it was kind of a lame hill to sled on! It's fun to kick back and not worry about what others think. Have a good time with your kids laughing and playing...I to often don't. I need to take more time to play with them in the snow.......they would surely cherish those moments!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Christmas...Act 3...

It started at Olan Mills with a family picture and a lot more! We purchased like 79 sheets of pictures...the lady thought we were a little off! (she might be right!)
Then off to the Star on Alpine. Some went to see National Treasure and some chose Alvin and the Chipmunks. The lady there thought we were a little off also! (I'm seeing a pattern)
Then to end it all, we topped it off with a meal at Fire Mountain (aka..The Flame) The lady there didn't seem to think we were off a little...go figure! It's hard to travel around town with a group of 15 and not seem a little odd. Julie claims she is the only Indian in her family...I think not! The way she had us all organized at the movies....would have scared anyone!...it was all good!
Most of all we had a wonderful time as a family....some can't claim that! We do a lot of laughing and just plain enjoying each others company. (I hope I'm speaking for all of us!)
I'm not sure when Dad's card will recover from "Family Fun Day".....Thanx Dad & Linda
Monday, January 7, 2008
Christmas...Act 2...

Tod, Julie, Joel and Hannah came in on Sunday night the 21st! Yeah you remember the night, it was a blizzard! Their plane was due to arrive@ 6pm by way of Chicago.....we were thinking not gonna happen! We headed down to GR, arrived at 6 to a under construction airport. We ran in and waited to find out their plane had been delayed in Chicago...surprise! Well to make a long story short, they did arrive by 10pm...not bad for blizzard conditions! Hannah in flip flops...she's 18...we think??? It was one of those drives home, when you hope you are at least on the road...we couldn't see a thing! Well.....Welcome to Michigan! (hard to believe it was like 60 today and we have NO snow!) The Henderson's live in California, while Joel makes his home in Salem, Oregon.
John, Janice, Arie and Andrew arrived on Dec. 26 from Indiana. They had a 6 hour trek behind them. Arie will graduate in the spring and Andrew is a Sophomore.
Julie is the oldest while Janice holds the title of middle child, that makes me the baby. I won't give our ages but if it helps, we will all be in our 40's after June!! YIKES! Some closer to 50! =) Double Yikes!
On to the pics....
Here are some more of the "Holiday Happenings"! First we have the "game table" at Dad & Linda's house. There were few times (like, when we were eating!) when there wasn't a game being played at the table. We are a big game family! We played Blitz, Prediction, UNO, Phase 10 (that would like, never end!) and of course...Euchre. We would call out a game and everyone came running! Steve had a headache on day and I said maybe you shouldn't go over...there's only two volumes loud and louder.
Next is Myself, Julie and Janice after opening presents. Janice is wearing hers....a red robe! I know, I know I was adopted. They use to tell me that when I was little....now I claim it!!=) They definitely have my mom's looks!
Lastly is Trent and Aunt Julie playing Guitar Hero. I think Trent took her!? I even played... against Grandma Linda...I picked someone I knew I could beat! Dad even played against Tyler...Go Dad! We had some guitar play-offs...I was not part of those! As a matter of fact, I never witnessed Uncle Tod or Uncle John playing.....hummmmm!
There were many more fun and very memorable moments that we had together. I can't post all the pictures. It's always a challenge for me to pick the pictures that tell the story. I always have to leave out so many! If I had my way, it would be all pictures!
We had Family Fun Day on the Thursday after Chritmas...which I will post about later...check back.....
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Christmas...Act 1...

It seems so long a go that these were taken!! It's only been a few weeks, so much has happened...I can hardly remember!
This was a family get together at G&G Buckners before Christmas. The first pic is the boys opening their gift.....an X-box 360 from G&G....Thanx G&G! Then there is Trent with his Bibleman sword. He has the complete outfit now! =) The last one is him during church singing Away in a Manger on the Sunday before Christmas.
We enjoyed dinner with Mike and Carrie and their kids. Craig & Kristi couldn't come down as they were here for Thanksgiving.
The best gift......our boys spent the night at G&G and had a cookie making day! Grandma has had them over to make Christmas Cookies for as long as I can remember. (last year I found a wonderful gluten free sugar cookie recipe...you would never know it was GF!) Tyler was just a little guy..... I think him and Drew came together! It seems that no matter how old they get, it's always nice to enjoy a break!...thanx G&G for this special present!!!! Steve and I enjoyed some time shopping and ate lunch out....Bennigans...yum! We picked them up at Wendy's in Newaygo and had dinner with G&G! We all had a great week-end!! A wonderful start to a wonderful season!!
I will post on the rest of our Holiday Happenings to catch you up.....a little each day. I don't want to over load those with dial-up. Somehow I'm going to figure out how to add an album to my blog!....that's for another day!
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