Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry CHRISTmas
We especially hope that you discover the true meaning of Christmas this year. That you take time to thank God for all His blessings in your life. We truly have many many blessings to be thankful for. It's been a year of change and challenge for us. We are excited about what God has for our future and are enjoying the path God has laid out for us!
Take time to enjoy the gift of family....
Monday, December 17, 2007
Proud Moment....

This was my first attempt ever at making Peanut Brittle. I found a recipe on (a wonderful site, by the way!!) yesterday. It was for a microwave brittle and I decided to try it today. It was a proud moment for me when it all worked out!!(what could be bad, sugar and more sugar!) I've never tried it because I always thought anything that needed a thermometer, would be too difficult for me! It was actually pretty easy and fast. It only took about 10 min. plus cooling time! I think I will make some more tomorrow! If I don't hurry and give it away, I will have to get a new wardrobe to ring in '08! I will have to enter this in my Christmas memory book!
The recipe-
Mix 1c. sugar & 1/2 c. corn syrup in glass 2qt. bowl on high for 4 min.
Stir in 1c. peanuts (I used dry roasted) microwave on high 3 1/2 min.
Then stir in 1t. butter & 1t. vanilla and microwave 1 1/2 min.
Stir in 1t. baking soda until light & foamy. Pour on well buttered cookie sheet, let cool, break in pieces...enjoy!
(mine didn't cover whole pan, I just spread out best I could with wooden spoon & let cool. I'm going to try and double batch tomorrow and see if it works and makes more! =)
Let me know if you try it and it works out for you!!
Ho Ho Ho...

Santa arrived by train here last Saturday. He came to pick up all the wish lists. Trent wants a Wii and an x-box. He's not to hard to please? Troy wants a cell phone today. Friday it was a bb gun and the day before that it was a MP3 player. Sunday he wanted LL Bean Snow shoes!! He is so funny! Snow shoes?? For those of you that are still buying for little ones ....enjoy the puzzles, books, dollar store stuff.... because in the not to far future you will be trying to get a game system, TV, cellphone MP3..... We used to get our kids all this stuff...mounds of toys, now it's like one big thing. Less to trip over and clean up!! I think I will be ready come Tuesday!=) Tomorrow is wrap day!...
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Good Job Tyler....

After the awards were all handed out we had an indoor soccer game...parents vs. kids! We weren't to sure about the fitness of some of the adults?!!? I personally didn't play...I thought I might be more of a detriment to the parents side! Although Steve came ready to play! You play 5 against 5, 2-15 minute quarters. OK mind you, our goalie had never played soccer!! The coach, Mr. Oxford played with the parents, at least we had that going for us! First goal...our own parent, Jeff Johnson...amazing. The kids came back with a score-1 to1! End of first quarter! All parents have a slight collapse (they were actually holding up pretty good!)
Start of second quarter. A lot of running back and forth and not a lot of scoring! Diane Johnson was the only mom to play...way to go Diane! (did I tell you, the Johnson's were running for the door after the awards, when we spotted them!) We told her they would be easy on her! Now comes the exciting part....Steve scores goal #2...way to go man! Timer runs out and the parents win 2-1! They still can beat the kids! Very exciting and fun! Thanx Mr. Oxford for all your hard work and encouragement!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The tree....

It will be ready by Christmas morning...guranteed!
Friday, November 30, 2007
It's final....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The BIG green...
Sometime soon I will have to post my top ten hints for listing things on E-bay!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hot News....
Actually, that isn't at all how it happened..the other story was kinda boring. It was a 5 point buck on Saturday morning. It was in Bridgeton with some kind of weapon?? See I told you, kinda uneventful!!
The best part of it was having Troy there. He loved watching it all play out, like a real live movie! He has spent hours in a blind in the cold waiting to see the big one or little one just to be like his dad! He loves his dad and everything he does! If Steve is doing something...Troy is right there beside him. Kinda humbling & scary all at the same time! He is a great example of a dad and husband for our three boys! They are lucky, in this day and age, to have such a fine example!...thank you Steve!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Our Thansgiving....

This is 1 of the 3 tables. We had a total of 23 people and 45 lbs of turkey! We of course didn't eat all that for the noon meal!

Mid-Adult table

Here the kids are "fishing" from the loft. They get yarn and tie objects on the end and try to see if they can hang it over the logs. It made Grandma a little nervous as they were swinging hard objects around her windows and sliders. If we had told them to do this kind thing they would have poo poo the idea! Instead they had great fun doing it! No windows got broken!
We had a lot of food and it was all delicious! In the afternoon we did some crafts, played some Euchre, watched the Lions, hunted, looked at ads, slept, visited, cleaned the kitchen...
The top picture is Neil & Bonnie, Uncle Ron & Aunt Marty, Steve & Joanne, Dad & Linda, Grandma B and Suzie (she takes care of grandma)
Grandkids are Drew, Tyler, Trent, David Nick, on the floor is Florin, Madison and Troy
Friday, November 23, 2007
I made you proud!....

Thanx Caryn for coming and with standing the cold with's always more fun with a friend!! You are a fun friend to have!
Will they start next years sales at 3am?? Good grief!
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The BIG Green...

Okay, we decide that there are some crazy people out there!! I need to tell you that the buyer was in California...need I say more. I'm totally perplexed at why someone wouldn't head out to there local Target and pick themselves up a brand new machine!! Very confusing to me. We would have been delighted to get $50 out of it!! But hey, we will take $250ish...after we paid to have it shipped !! Not a bad return on our investment...we traced it back to our purchase date, some time in the early 90's! I will have to say, it wasn't a fun job to pack that baby up!
Odder yet...I came across one last week-end at a thrift store...guess what I purchased it...surprise! Maybe there is still some crazies out there! There is! We listed it and have like 5 watches on it already. It will probably not sell for $285 but I will be ecstatic about$50... Maybe I will post when it sells and give you the end cost!
It's just like a garage mans junk another's treasure.
Life is so fun (or funny!?)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Captain Jack...

Trent is with Nicholas, aka a hunter, Craig and Kristi were able to be here for Halloween and walk withus. That was Nicholas 1st. time tricker treating. Krist said they normally go bowling. The guys were in charge of the candy handing out. We had somewheres around 300 kids. I think I got this picture on before all the candy was gone.
When we wer kids my sisters and I would keep our candy for months. We were so afraid of it being gone we just saved it! I think about Christmas Time we threw it away....not real great logic, huh!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trent REALLY enjoyed the cleaning out of the pumpkin...wierd! He actually put globs full of seeds and goo back in the pumpkin, so he could get it back out?!?!?! He must have got that from the Buckner side, I don't think the Rexfords enjoy getting their hands that gooey!
Well gotta time....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lost Art....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh Well.....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Believe It or Not....
It's been fun watching the team grow and develop along the way. They really have come a long way......GO RED! I'll let you know how it turns out.....
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Me & Trent....

Me & Trent attended the Annual Hayride while the 'big guys' were up 4-wheeling. It usually falls in October. We have a potluck, hayride and bonfire at Uncle Jim & Aunt Karen's place, better known as the Ponderosa! Since they have moved up there, I don't call it that anymore.
It's hard to believe this is a picture of the hayride...that is a picture of the shoes I wore up there...flip flops! Can you believe it? Believe me, it has not always been so desirable! It seems like when we had little ones, it was much colder. We would bundle them up in snowsuits, boots, mittens, hats...the works! Now that they don't need all that, it's 75! Go figure! Some of the kids were actually wearing shorts, tanks & t-shirts! We were wondering how we could cook our hot dogs without building a fire (certainly didn't need a heat source!)
Dad and Linda came with me and Trent. Dan & Sherry Wylie, Jeff & Diane Johnson, Neil & Bonnie, Mike & Carrie & kids, Aaron & kids, Dave & Lynette & boys, Jim & Renee & kids, Amie & siblings. So we had quite a group, plus some spare kids that came with others. ( I think 23 kids in all!)
When Craig & Kristi adopted Florin this was the first family event they brought him to...I wonder what he must have thought? Talk about culture shock! He loved the 4-wheelers (still does!). At the time, Neil & Bonnie were living in their motor home while they built their house, he had a hard time understanding house with wheels!
We had a fun time visiting, walking, 4-wheeling, motorcycling.... When the kids were little we used to have a pumpkin carving contest (sometimes knives-sometimes markers) We had prizes for the scariest, cutest.... Those were the days when a boat load of dollar store toys would keep them quite for hours!
Now, where have all those little toe-headed kids gone? They have turned into a bunch of teens...WOW!!! What are we in for next? It's so weird how life goes fast but yet slow! It seemed like our kids were little and needy forever. Now it seems like forever ago that they were just little guys running around. We longed for the time when we could sit at the fire and not chase them around. Now where here and wish for those cute little voices to ask if they can sit on our lap! Life is just crazy....are we ever happy were we are??
Enjoy life were you are.....don't long for the next stage of will be here before you know it!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Where Boys Become Men!....

Speaking of weather, it's been like 30 degrees above normal temps for this time of year. We actually turned on our air yesterday...isn't it October??? Is this global warming?
Check back later to see what Trent & I were up to while they were gone!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Soccer Mom??....

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Fun Filled Week-end....

Ken Rudolph is an exceptional speaker and motivator...if you ever get the opportunity to hear him...GO! He can communicate the scriptures like few can! Time whizzes by when he is speaking, even when you are sleep deprived!
As a kid, I attended Lake Ann many times, so I had some time to re-live some of my childhood memories! I was actually a Tepee Village Alumni....I know, hard to believe I would sign up to sleep in a tepee all week! I sometimes wonder myself! Harder yet to believe we had to go into the "BOG", eat outside, use outhouses and be outside all day! The amazing thing about that week, it stands out as one of the weeks I remember the most about! Maybe I'm still in shock over it....more likely, I did things outside of my comfort zone! Isn't it those times in our lives, when we go outside of our comfort zone, that changes who we are and where we are going! Some have gone on pilgrimages and come back with a different attitude and memories that will stay with them forever!
Camp obviously holds very dear memories for me. One year my dear Grandma (aka Aunt Marian) took all 6 of us grand kids to camp with her (3 Rexford & 3 Watson girls!) We had so much fun with each other and at camp! My Grandma is a saint! The next year she took 4 of us for 2 weeks to Camp Dottie! My Grandma is a Saint! No...she really loved her grand kids and other kids and wanted to see them give their lives to Christ at early ages. I can't imagine her crown in Heaven! What a Godly example of a Christian woman, life, grandma, servant.... I am soooo blessed to have you in my life grandma!! You Rock! (well sometimes, literally you do now!) I also must thank my dad and mom for making it a priority to send us to camp!
One of my favorite memories was when my cousin Dawn and I went to Tepee Village. We were given a compass and we were suppose to be hiking to a huge crater/pit. Which we managed to do, the problem arose when we didn't realize we were there and we continued walking and walking till we hit a road, I think then we decided we had gone to far! I mean this pit is so huge, you would wonder how we could miss it! Okay I'm still directionally challenged today..maybe that was the start of the problem! (no comment Renee!)
Okay, did I just write a chapter to a book? Sorry, I wasn't planning on this long dialogue, I was just planning on a few pics of camp!
Well, to some it up, send your kids to camp and go to retreats!! We all need them!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This year it was the 28th annual memorial. They do things like parades, a ceremony for fallen fire fighters, exhibits, pancake breakfast, chx barbecue....
It's quite a big shin-dig for fire fighters and families. Not being brought up in the fire world it seems quite foreign to me! They are proud of there trucks and equipment, they all have bumper stickers, lights on their trucks and monogrammed jackets! Steve received the plaque for the longest traveled in the parade, they'll keep it at Spencer. What we learned....1,ooo pieces of candy isn't near enough candy to throw in a parade! Lots of sad faces along the side of the road :(!
I had a pic of Steve and George in front of the truck but had to return the camera it was I had to delete the pic! I know you are all bumbed!
Special thanx to G-pa & G-ma Buckner for letting the boys stay with them!
Monday, September 10, 2007

She's still got a lot of spunk! Congratulations Grandma! (as if she is going to read this!)
I warned you...I was going backwards for a while to catch up!
PS Trent still not real fond of staying at school!
Hoem Schol?
Were you suggesting in your comment that I home school Trent? I'm not sure I have it in me!

Friday, September 7, 2007
It's Official....
He doesn't appear to be just manipulating me around. He really appears to be upset and scared....I don't know!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Back to school...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
LNO '07...

Sorry these are coming to you with such delay...I left my camera at Grandma B's birthday of that will be coming soon.
What's a girl to do without a picture to post with!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thanx Sue Black for the correct French isn't to good!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Comment challenged...
I was just going to offer some helps. If you would like to comment on a post you can "click" on the "comments" at the bottom of each post. Sometimes it will say "0" or "2" showing how many have already commented. If you click that, you can read others comments and also comment yourself. You would then type your comment in the box and then click "other" or the "anonymous" box, either one should work. It will ask you to "preview" or "publish" you can push either. If you "preview" you then have to push "publish" after you preview.
I know this all seems a bit much for the comment challenged but it walks you through most of the steps. I have faith you all can figure it out!! Like I have stated before, if certain others can do it, anyone can (don't worry Bonnie I wasn't thinking of you!) Now everyone try it tomorrow and see if you can do it. If you do leave a comment, come back and check it, I often comment back to you.
It is fun to see who is checking in, so don't be shy! I would love to know you are out there.
I hope to add a Feedblitz to my blog soon (when Steve helps me!) Hopefully when he reads this, he will add it for me! For the Feedblitz would add your e-mail to a list that would get notified when I post to my blog. This is a way for you to know when there is a new post with out checking my blog daily. So basically it E-mails you when I post to my blog. So when you see it added...sign-up!
I know, I know, some of you are light years ahead of this post but some are still trying to figure out where the backspace key is! So bear with us slow ones. Especially the "aged-challenged" in our world. Personally, I'm totally impressed with those that feel they fall in to that category....but attempt the computer world anyway. Thanx Al Gore for the Internet.
Have a good night all...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hurricane Evelyn--Category5...

Monday, August 20, 2007
the King rides again...

Sometimes parenting is a lot of work and a little least it seems that way some days for me. This is one of those joyful moments when you can thank your Heavenly Father for kids. Our boys make us laugh, cry and crazy (a lot!). But we love having each one of them, with their special (I mean that in the best way possible! :) ) gifts and abilities in our family. God always knows just what we need. He uses our kids to teach us so much about's kinda scary. Moral....if you don't want to know about yourself, don't have kids.
That's as deep as it gets here...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Your the man...

We are so proud of this milestone! You have a little determination in you boy! He wanted the training wheels taken off his bike Friday pm, which Steve did! He promptly hopped on and did amazingly good! Saturday he went out to practice again....and away he went...around the block !! I think having two older brothers played a role in him catching on so fast! He wants to keep up with them. The boys took him up toward the school where there is an incline toward our house and sent him down. They told him it was called the "man hill"!
The video isn't the best but it was so funny we had to put it on! We actually were using our regular camera which probably isn't the best for video! He thought the black fro wig added a nice touch! He looks like he's heading to the circus!
I had taken another video earlier, as I hit the off button he proceeded to hit the back of Steve's truck...that would have been some good footage!!
I hope most of you can enjoy the video. I'm not sure how long it will take to load. For those of you who can't, I posted a few still pictures!
Hope you all enjoy the pics! Everday is a blog day!