Here is Troy with his new braces. He has not enjoyed this week of being with wires yet. We told him to 'get over it' or it was going to be a long 2 years!!! He picked black and blue elastics. I told him not to pick green because it looks like lettuce in your teeth!! Any advice anyone has for Troy and his life with wires....besides loooong!!!!
Troy--I love your beautiful smile-WITH OR WITHOUT braces! Any advice? Lots of other kids (and parents) have lived through braces--you might as well go through it with a SMILE! Love you!
Hey Troy! I feel your pain.. or should I say I 'felt' your pain.
Hey, the wax they give you REALLY HELPS. Use it early (before your mouth gets too cut up).. and often. It does make a huge difference.
Love ya,
Uncle Tod
Please get Maize and Blue rubber bands at your first checkup! They look very cool.
Love ya,
Uncle Tod
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