Me & Trent attended the Annual Hayride while the 'big guys' were up 4-wheeling. It usually falls in October. We have a potluck, hayride and bonfire at Uncle Jim & Aunt Karen's place, better known as the Ponderosa! Since they have moved up there, I don't call it that anymore.
It's hard to believe this is a picture of the hayride...that is a picture of the shoes I wore up there...flip flops! Can you believe it? Believe me, it has not always been so desirable! It seems like when we had little ones, it was much colder. We would bundle them up in snowsuits, boots, mittens, hats...the works! Now that they don't need all that, it's 75! Go figure! Some of the kids were actually wearing shorts, tanks & t-shirts! We were wondering how we could cook our hot dogs without building a fire (certainly didn't need a heat source!)
Dad and Linda came with me and Trent. Dan & Sherry Wylie, Jeff & Diane Johnson, Neil & Bonnie, Mike & Carrie & kids, Aaron & kids, Dave & Lynette & boys, Jim & Renee & kids, Amie & siblings. So we had quite a group, plus some spare kids that came with others. ( I think 23 kids in all!)
When Craig & Kristi adopted Florin this was the first family event they brought him to...I wonder what he must have thought? Talk about culture shock! He loved the 4-wheelers (still does!). At the time, Neil & Bonnie were living in their motor home while they built their house, he had a hard time understanding house with wheels!
We had a fun time visiting, walking, 4-wheeling, motorcycling.... When the kids were little we used to have a pumpkin carving contest (sometimes knives-sometimes markers) We had prizes for the scariest, cutest.... Those were the days when a boat load of dollar store toys would keep them quite for hours!
Now, where have all those little toe-headed kids gone? They have turned into a bunch of teens...WOW!!! What are we in for next? It's so weird how life goes fast but yet slow! It seemed like our kids were little and needy forever. Now it seems like forever ago that they were just little guys running around. We longed for the time when we could sit at the fire and not chase them around. Now where here and wish for those cute little voices to ask if they can sit on our lap! Life is just crazy....are we ever happy were we are??
Enjoy life were you are.....don't long for the next stage of life.....it will be here before you know it!
1 comment:
Joanne--you almost made me cry--talking about the little boys and the way it used to be. Next year I want to plant pumpkins so we can have another contest with the little kids that are left.
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