Trent is with Nicholas, aka a hunter, Craig and Kristi were able to be here for Halloween and walk withus. That was Nicholas 1st. time tricker treating. Krist said they normally go bowling. The guys were in charge of the candy handing out. We had somewheres around 300 kids. I think I got this picture on before all the candy was gone.
When we wer kids my sisters and I would keep our candy for months. We were so afraid of it being gone we just saved it! I think about Christmas Time we threw it away....not real great logic, huh!
I always got you guys to give me your butterfingers and almond joys!! I only had about 50 kids at my house. At work I got to wear my kitty ears all day.
Dad & Linda gave out Almond Joys too! Do they really think kids like coconut? I think Dad was hoping to keep some for himself! Trent got a AJ and he was trying to pawn it off on me...we will keep for you...does that fall within the keeping Halloween candy rule (till Christmas)?
Hey we are finally able to check out you cool blog now that we have high speed. I'am also taking note on the boy costumes since I have one now. I didn't know trick or teaters came in anythig but princesses
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