We don't celebrate our dad's enough. I've been blessed with a great dad. He was a hard worker that always went the extra mile to provide for us.
We enjoyed lavish vacations in Florida and out West...TWICE. We had a vacation home in Croton MI...right-on-the-water!!! He kept us all driving a car..some of us tried pretty hard to destroy ours! One year we had 5 claims on our Auto Insurance....two were in our own driveway!
We always had a bike...or two. We always had an ample supply of clothes. We participated in the local fair. We always went to summer camp. We took piano lessons. We went to every basketball and football game. We picked berries together. He taught us all how to drive. He never abused any of us. He allowed, against his better judgement, us to keep stay dogs.
Most importantly he taught us about Jesus....the Jesus he already knew! He shared his faith with us. He took us to church every week, even when we were at our 'vacation home'. It was important that it was a Bible believing church...not just any church would do. He lived out his faith. He wanted us to be sure of OUR salvation. My dad was not a perfect dad but he did a great job of raising me.
Last week, a friend of mine and I were talking about parenting and she said "We just try to do better than our parents did."...I got to thinking.... Do I do better than my parents? Do I do worse? Did my parents do a good job?
If I could do anything...I just hope I could do equally as good as my parents did! Love You DAD!
Joanne, this is beautiful! Just your description of your dad encourages me to want to be a better parent....and I'm sure it's only a glimpse of how great it really was! My favorite pics are of Trent as waiter too. What a sweetie!
Wow what a great dad. Sounds kind of like mine, but mine once tried to make me eat tomatoes!
Your Dad is a great Dad! He tried to make me a better Christian too, when he would ask me to do the prayer when I would come over for dinner. Being a Catholic that was very different for me. Most Catholics don't pray at every meal. However, I've made it part of my family's meals. Loved your parents, they always included me in your church events and prayer.
Ahhh, great memories. I remember your Dad always laughing at us girls. I can picture him now.
that dad TRIED to make me eat tomatoes too!
I was just telling someone...I don't like tomatoes because my D&M tried to force us to eat them...it goes deep! It's still painful to talk about it!
so then.. what you're saying joanne is that i gotta quit trying to make julie eat tomatoes? hahaha.
your dad is amazing. a blessing. i continue to learn how to be a dad and a grandfather from him even now. he is generous to a fault and loving and kind. what more could you want?
way to get born into that family!!
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