On Saturday, we headed for the border...the Indiana Border that is!
Andrew was graduating from Waldron High School, 10th in his class..and we didn't want to miss it! We arrived in plenty of time to enjoy the heated gym..the very heated gym!!
Here is the happy graduate...oops! the diploma is upside down.....

He has it right now.....


Janice, Andrew & John....

Grandma Linda, Andrew & Grandpa Bill

Grandma Mary, Andrew & Great Grandma Elsie

The PARTY....
The 'Guys' looking over the neighbors cars

Trent was amused with the can crusher. He crushed all the pop cans from the party and Janice even brought him out a bag from the house!

The graduate opening his gifts. Grandma Mary made the quilt that Grandma Elsie is holding. She uses all the kids old t-shirts to make them a quilt. It has some from Walt Disney World, sports teams and the like. It's a very special gift and keep sake!

Lest we forget 'the girls' picture!

Steve and Trent

On Sunday, we attended their church and then had brunch at Cracker
Barrel. Here is the 'Adult' Table. Notice who is NOT there!

John opening his Dinner....Chicken, Potatoes & Carrots

John and his mom Mary....isn't this a nice picture of them? Mary lives in Colorado now. She raised her 4 kids in the Kalamazoo Area all by herself. Her husband, John's dad, passed away from a boating accident on Lake Michigan when John was only in Junior High.
She is a beautiful women inside and out. She had just got back from a mission trip in
Afghanistan only 3 days before she flew out to attend the graduation party!

Trent ordered a Root Beer and they brought him a frosty mug and the bottle, he was
soo impressed! "WOW..is that mine?!"...he said

We had a fun time together. Times are far and few when we can all get together. The kids are all growing-up and we all live a distance apart! Thank You Janice for all your hard work putting that week-end together!
Oh great, I think Grandma and I have the same shirt from Kohl's.
Great job Andrew!
Oh my goodness Julie....she will LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear that!
And to make it worse I think it looks better on her!!
Oh my... I was shocked when Julie became a Grandma and now Janice has a son old enough to graduate from high school! Life is moving to fast for me.
Congratulations to Andrew and for him doing so well! Janice and John you have a lot to be proud of. Great to see your family together.
Vicki--this is my youngest! No more public school-yeah. The downfall is two kids in college though.
Your youngest??? Oh, now I'm really shocked! Well at least I know there's hope for me. Seeing my friends live through the teen years makes me see there is a light at the end of this road!
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