What do you think? It looks like things aren't totally matching up to me....but the DR. reassured us that it would be fine. He's young and their bones heal fast and 'fill in'. They also took out the staples...22 of them! What??....did they open a box and want to use them all? The staples are the little 'light' dashes on the right of the first x-ray.
They were planning to cut a 'window' in the cast to remove the staples....Oops. They cut the 'window' on the wrong side of the cast...Hey Trent....how about a new cast????
That is the saw they use to cut it off.
Opening the window (before he realized it was the wrong side?)
ALERT.....If you have a weak stomach...don't continue down. The rest of you....proceed!
Here is the first look at his leg. He had 2 big blisters that popped and caused the drainage...ewwww!
More Ewwwwww! Feel free to click on the picture to get a close up view!
Removing the staples.
The new cast. It's neon green! Trent was actually pretty excited to get a new cast that had color!
He is carrying a Sharpie where ever he goes. to collect more signatures!
Next appointment...2 more weeks and another new cast!
That is so cool! Great pictures! I'm going to have to work to come up with some better pictures out here!
Those are some grade A pictures. Really put mine from when I got my cast off to shame. Next time you'll have to get a shot of the two legs next to each other so people can see the difference. That, and another good puss drainage picture, so we can all be amused by padre's squeamishness :D
you people are sick and gross and bring me down. good thing i have GLEE to pick me up on Wednesday nights.
NEON GREEN??? How about a more eye catching color? LOL!!! Glad Trent is healing well. So we may squirm when we see these pictures, but how do you and Trent do?
Oh, things like that don't bother me or Steve...we are pretty hardy!
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