I had an ultrasound!
And they found Gallstones. To be exact....free moving Gallstones and sludge! That sounds nice doesn't it! I have appt on Oct.6 to see a Surgeon about getting my Gallbladder removed. I'm assuming that's what he will tell me.

I have never had a surgery....I've never been 'put-under'....never had anesthesia.
Hopefully, I don't respond like Dad did after they took out his Gallbladder....the words they used were....combative.
I've had problems for about 8-9 months on and off. I would have an 'attack' about every 1-2 months. They seem to be getting closer....so they recommended a ultrasound. The 'attack' lasts about 20 min.-1 hour...then I'm fine. Recently, I have felt a 'full' feeling and my chest slightly hurts.
I'll keep you posted, after my appointment.
What is this? The year of the surgery? Julie--how is everyone in your family--You might need to be worried! Maybe we should all get things fixed before the new health plans go into effect!!!
Let us know if you need anything.
Ok help me here. What are we really looking at? I can't blow up the picture to get a better look! Tod is going to love this.
When I had surgery the nurse kept saying "stop doing that you are hurting me" But I had no idea what I was doing!
Oh, that is a surgery on someone's Gallbladder and a stone that they removed.
Do you think the nurse would take pictures for my blog, if I have surgery?
When I first saw the picture, I thought it was the aerial view from one of those map programs!
obviously, my prayers are with you joanne and i am hoping that this is not a serious health issue. please keep us informed.
now. we've got a 'situation' here. you see, when i was putting political rants up on our blog julie helped me understand that it's a 'family' blog and some things aren't appropriate.
so, you need consider the possibility that you may need to move on to a second blog.. perhaps Buckner's Biology. Or Bucker's Body Parts or something.. as as alternative to posting body parts every other day.
just think about it.
although.. i will say that i'm starting to almost get used to seeing all the gore!
We're campaigning to desensitize you, padre. You'll have the constitution of a brick wall by the time we're done, especially considering the lovely birth pictures that are on the way :D
that's good Joel!
Glad to hear you are going to be okay! I don't believe that is how my gallblader was removed. I had three very tiny slits and my understanding was they sucked it out! Then again I was well medicated when they explained it to me. Just be prepared to take it easy for a couple of days. Some bounce right back and others take a week. Don't rush yourself, be pampered but prepared for some lazy days! Let me know when surgery is scheduled - I'm sure you'll be outpatient. I don't think they keep anyone very long these days. It might become drive-thru before we know it!
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