I'm so far behind! I feel like I will never get caught up...am I alone...can I get an Amen?
So in an effort to remain sane, I will catch you all up on the last couple of weeks in one post. First, let me just say it's been a busy busy couple weeks.

Trent in front of sign at the camp he attended.

We had a week long visit from the Hendersons (Tod, Julie and Hannah) from California.
Then, we were able to enjoy a Forth of July week-end with the Griffioens (John, Janice, Arie and Andrew) from Indiana.
Its' been a fun summer getting caught up on everyone's lives. But, as you know, when company comes...we let daily jobs wait...laundry, windows, dusting, blogs.....

When the Henderson's were here, Julie rented a Sea-Do for Tod to enjoy for Father's Day. Actually, we all enjoyed it..thanx for sharing Tod.
Hannah and Tod modeling their Lily Pad attire.

Hannah pulling Tod on a float behind the Sea-Do. They were using a garden hose as the rope...don't try this at home! Trent was the spotter.

Refilling the gas tank...which was done many times through the week!

Tyler driving...Hannah and Trent swimming.

Steve taking his turn.

Troy taking his turn.
We had a blast that week playing Golf, riding the Sea-Do (even the skirt sisters drove it!), Shipsie and just hanging out..thanx guys for flying out!
4th of July week-end
The Griffioens arrived late Thursday evening. The boys and I arrived on Friday afternoon to greet them. (Steve went on an all day four-wheeling trip with a friend) We even slipped in a quick visit to the Thrift Outlet.
Crockery Lake has a fireworks show usually on the 4th but because of finances, The Lake Association opted to get more 'bang for their buck' and do the show on the 3rd!
Dad and Linda had some of their friends over and we grilled out and had a pot luck style dinner.
The Griffioens came fully loaded with fireworks of their own..remember they came from IN!
About 10pm the show started..we took the pontoon out and enjoyed the show with the Wilson's over the lake. The Griffioen's put on quite a show from shore! Andrew built us a beautiful fire to enjoy..even with his broken ankle!
On the fourth The Lake Association sponsors a boat parade. At the last minute the Buckner's decide to decorate the pontoon boat to join in the festivities. We went with the traditional patriotic theme. Things were looking good when we registered our boat and we were #4...three prizes..this might be do-able! We got busy and put our creative juices to work....and here is what we came up with......

Steve even put his amp on board with patriotic music playing! I mean who doesn't love, Lee Greenwood's...♪I'm proud to be an American ♪?
Well, I'm sorry to report that we didn't even place..I know, it's hard to believe! We were thinking of filling for a recount?
We think we got ripped off....but we have vowed to come back stronger and better next year!