Grandma Elsie has arrived...
After picking her up at the airport we picked up Renee and headed out for some lunch at iHop....

Here she is with Tyler & Trent

She was going to a wedding today so I cut and fixed her hair for her. Doesn't she look great...she is 84!
else.. you look HOT! way to go! so sorry we couldn't be there with you. i hope you have an awesome visit. can't wait to see the pictures of you driving the jet ski!
btw.. did she bring the pair of jeans with her?
When she came over Saturday..she was wearing jean capri's!
Welcome to Michigan. I hope you are able to make lots of memories for yourself and those around you. enjoy your visit, wish I could be there.
Grandma you rock!! Love the earrings.
Your Grandma looks awesome! Hard to believe she not the age she appears to be.
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