The boys and I had a fun Saturday & Sunday in Indiana. My sister's son graduated from High School. She lives about 6 hours it was a lot of driving...but worth it! It was a whirlwind trip, we left Kent City Saturday morning @ 6am stopped to pick up my other sister and husband (that had gotten in from CA late Friday PM)in GR...and we were off! We stopped twice on the way down for gas, Monster (Tyler) drink and a bear claw (dad). We were making great time till we hit Eden. Apparently, they had a bad storm the night before. We don't think it was a tornado but were straight line winds. We started to see down branches and standing water, then uprooted trees and some that were across the road, but were cut up. We ran into a 'road closed' sign...but that didn't stop Dad (whom I was following!) After we started down this road it became apparent why the sign was there. All the power poles were broken and laying in the road. They literally covered 1 ½ lanes of the road. I had one tire in the ditch and one on the road. I seriously thought that there would be a cop at the other end waiting for us.....handing out tickets. We did make it through but in Troys words "I think I'm gonna need some more deodorant!" There was debris scattered all over the fields...which at one point we thought were dead cows! We will not soon forget the town of Eden!
On to the reason we were there....graduation! We did make it before the ceremony started and Arie did graduate....way to go Arie! He was in the top 10...he is headed off to Rose Hillman in the fall to study Engineering. We are so proud of you!
John, Janice, Arie, Dad and Linda.......

The sisters......Janice, Julie & Joanne

John & Grandma Elsie (she's gonna be 83!). He agreed to give her a Harley ride during the graduation party!

Uncle Tod and Trent taking a walk......

Having a treat on the way home at DQ. We also brought Grandma Elsie back to MI with us.

We had a great time together! We put the boys in one car on the way home and I drove the girls....we had a lot of laughs! It's fun to spend time with people who's company you enjoy! I'm so lucky that it happens to be my family! They are the best! Not everyone has that luxury.....I count it a blessing...twice!
Oh my goodness - Grandma Elsie looks great! Your sisters haven't really changed either. Suprised to see Janice with longer hair! She always wore it so short in school. Her son is so tall!!! Pictures looked great - Your dad never ages. I can only imagine the laughter with all the girls in one car - My stomach always got a good workout whenever I visited the Rexford household. Glad to hear you all still got it!
You are so lucky to stop at DQ! My husband won't let me stop even in my pregnant state of ice cream and pickles! Love that place. We missed you at Kent City Baptist. A very nice building. It was hard to recognize everyone because the surroundings didn't match. Glad you had a nice time.
I am glad you had a great time. It was great to see everyone and laugh. John and I have been eating cake since graduation--could have used some DQ to go with it!
we have had more nasty weather since you left. A small tornado went through Waldron (the "town" that the high school is in) and damaged about 10 homes and the local nursing home.
o.k. Jo you are going to be so proud of me - I just caught up on 3 mos. of go girlfriend.
Thanks for taking the time to share and encourage. Never a dull moment at the Buckner house. I see a blog from a trip north on the horizen. Cheeries will soon be on the trees.
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