This is the only word to describe our day last Friday! Linda, Julie and I headed for a day spa in GR. Julie and I started with a massage while Linda got a facial.
Amazing! It was totally awesome. We received a 1 hour treatment and let me tell you, it was one of the shortest 1 hours I have ever experienced! This was only my 2
nd massage ever, my first one being in Mexico a couple of years ago.
Okay, I decided, I'm going to do this more than once every 5 years. I ask myself.....How could anyone NOT enjoy a massage???? A massage has moved itself to the top of every gift list I will ever write from this point on! Julie & I found ourselves debating which on of us had the better massage (it was me!!). Linda also, very much enjoyed her facial.

We then moved our way to the Pedicure chairs.....where our feet got a real
pamper'n. This was my first pedicure and it was another
amazing experience! She chiseled away at some callouses and made my feet 'sandal ready'!!

Linda got a manicure (and short
counseling session) while we prettied our feet!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more
amazing....we meet the guys on Alpine and made our way to
Bonefish Grill. If you are a faithful reader, you might remember our 'Anniversary date' that never made it there. We enjoyed a
amazing dinner...not your Logan/Friday type dinner. A upscale dinner menu complete with Macadamia Brownie Sundae, Key Lime Pie, Strawberry Shortcake and
Crème brûlée (we sampled all of those!) If you have never visited will have to put it on your list of must stops.....

It was an great day, that is going down in my books as.......
Amazing only begins to descibe the massage. At one point I was so relaxed I was forgetting to swallow and almost choked!! Thank you for having a birthday!
Hope today was great.
found a bonefish grill near us we'll have to give it a try. We lovvvvve Fish.
julie has a name for days like yours. she calls them 'thursday'! LOL
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