It all started a couple months back.....
My kitchen faucet was leaking around the base....and like every good man, Steve hopped to it and rebuilt the insides with new gaskets. I was so's the little joys for me!! To my continued to leak..slightly. Steve said it was worn out!
So, I put that on my Christmas List...because...I'm a practical girl like that! To my surprise I got was a Moen. This is where the plot becomes thicker! It was a regular faucet.. you know, you turn it on and water comes out...perfect! I liked it except for the way you had to turn it had to turn it on then to the left or right...I know, I'm weird...but if you knew how long I had my old faucet, you would understand why I cared so was going to be with me for a long while! So I decided to get a Delta...which is the brand I had..and it served me well.
So off to Menard's...but I just couldn't decide what to get. We looked over the pull out sprayers versions, the tall versions, the $39 versions...all of them! On another occasion I was going to go to Lowe's...'cause Lowe's Knows! Mistake #1--I took along Troy and his friend Tyler because they wanted to go to Best Buys. All was good but they were rushing me. They were hiding in the display showers waiting for an unsuspecting customer..and putting out orange cones in the isles! I panicked and grabbed the Delta that I thought I liked (key word... thought!!) Steve installed it, like all good men, and the side sprayer leaked... What! could this be, it's a new faucet..and the handle to turn it on was so short and stubby. I whined and complained and Steve, like all good men, agreed to take it out and let me return it..I guess Lowe's doesn't know! I have to say Lowe's was very good about the return!
So back to Menard's....I finally decided on a pull out sprayer type....I bad can they be...everyone else has them! So proudly, I purchased my faucet and headed home...I really wanted to cry over the whole thing! Steve took one look at it and thought it looked good! So, Friday before HFG, Steve, like all good men, installed the new faucet..I think the angels above were singing...relief & delight!
That was until we got it took us 2.5 seconds to realize how much we hated it! Steve's words.."I'm taking that out in the morning and you are returning it to Menard's!" The biggest problem..a design flaw....when you pull out the handle, to use as a sprayer... the hose kinks off and you have no water! Then when we would pull out 20" of the 34" of hose they give can't get it back in the faucet with out feeding it back in with two hands....helpful!
So, we are at 3 faucets purchased...2 case you are keeping track!
The story doesn't end here..there's more! I brought my new purchase home...the kids are now rolling their eyes and are in disbelief that Steve has done all this for me....sweet little me!
After Steve, like all good men, installed it 1/2 way, we realized a ding in the face plate thingy....I know what you are with it!!! Back to Menard's! Score 5 faucets..4 installed!
So, I know you are all wondering what this beauty looks like? Really, it's not that just a faucet! My old, slightly drippy, faucet was looking pretty good at the end of this fiasco!
See she's not that grand!
Life Lessons I learned...
1) To be content with what I have! I should had a more content heart. I bought into the worlds lie that tells me I need something better..newer..brighter..cleaner..I deserve it! This has been my prayer as of lately...Lord, help me to be more content and love the things that matter in life.
2) My husband really really loves me. I don't know many men that would install 4 faucets for their wife. Steve loves me so much he cares about MY happiness! We sees joy in seeing my happiness. He truly cares for me. He didn't just tell me to live with it! He was so sweet through it all. With marriages crumbling all around's rare that you see a functioning marriage relationship. I'm so glad he selflessly loves me!
3) Things aren't what they appear. I spent hours running from one store to another...and in reality you don't really know what you have till it is installed. They all looked shine and new and I dreamed of using it to wash my hands under it's warm water and how pleased I would be with it! Faucets don't bring happiness!
Final thought...
Learn to be content with what God has blessed you with!
What a great story. I'm so relieved to find out I'm not the only one who has these issues. I must say though you are truly blessed to have such a patient hubby.
Oh! I like your new faucet, may it last the rest of your life. :)
Steve you are making us all nervous. Don't set the bar too high!
Not thinking I want to replace my faucet anytime soon!! Linda
You should have called me at work! =)!! (Blakeslee & Son, INC. PLUMBING, Heating, & AC) - Amanda Miller
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