Trent made it through the surgery with flying colors. He was a little concerned about getting an the hospital they relieved all his fears by promising to give him gas before the IV. He chose Chocolate flavoring..which he thought he would like..but soon found out, by all his complaining, that he really didn't like that smell. Aside from that, the screws all came out with out stripping or breaking the head off...sounds just like they were building a deck!
A pre-surgery shot...

A post-surgery shot....

Another post-surgery shot

The wound... Notice the Dr.'s initials on his leg make sure they operated on the correct leg...JAC.

The Hardware..all autoclaved and sparkly clean!

Now the long recovery of keeping him down for 6 weeks while it heals. When those screws are removed they leave behind 7 holes in the bone. His leg could potentially break again during this healing process.
He has already wanted to play with the neighbor kids...oh it's going to be long 6 weeks. He did manage to attend school today.
I see lots of wii games in Trent's future.
Thankful everything went well.
how's the leg???
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