Heading into Chicago on day #2....We opted to stay outside the city and drive in everyday...reason...you have to pay about $30 a day to park at most hotels + you would also have to take a cab/train to your destination. The other reason we are not fluent in mass transit...I've never hailed a taxi. We weren't sure the train schedule....we need a personal tour guide!
So anyway, onward.....

Today we were off to the Shedd Aquarium....it was a chill day....but it was all enclosed..so we were good! We purchased a family membership, so we have admittance for free for one year...maybe we will have to make another trip over????

Troy the photographer....

Trent & a Iguana


17 year old Snapping Turtle...could potentially live to be 100+...cute isn't he!

A Sting Ray

A very large Turtle

A close up off a Sting Ray...not the normal picture! Let me just say I had to delete a whole lot of aquarium pictures...fish just DO NOT hold still!!!

This area is where you could actually touch..one of my favorite pictures...Tyler is trying to encourage Trent to touch a sea urchin. This is proof that those two really CAN get along...*tearing up*

Trent & Nemo..okay, maybe his grandson

If front of one of the aquariums....I can't believe there isn't a fish swimming in the back ground...come on...aren't we at an aquarium?? It was pretty dark in there and you can't use flashes...so sorry for the bad pictures!
Saw Fish...clever name...Adam was really thinking on this one!

That would be part of an Anaconda...wouldn't want to meet up with him!

Troy scratching a turtles belly

Penguins...come on jump!

I know you are sad I didn't post all 100+ pictures!! We enjoyed a lunch of 5 hot dogs @ 3.99 each, 1 single serve Cheetos, 2-20 oz Cokes all that for a mere $30....not exactly a bargain!! Steve wasn't done chewing, when he asked if we could head to the vending machines....lol!

Making fun family memories. We hope the boys will remember this for many years to come!!
Lots of BIG fish. You should visit us and we could go whale watching!! (I see a theme in my comments)
wow joanne. your camera did a really good job for being inside and the lighting conditions. great job documenting the trip! and... bring the dramamine for the whale watching ;)
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