Happy Birthday Trent!
I can't believe you are 8 years old today! What a fun 8 years it's been!
I can still remember bring you home from the hospital to join our family!
You bring us so much joy and make our hearts smile.
You bring us so much joy and make our hearts smile.
You loved to sleep as a baby...I remember think you must have narcolepsy! At six weeks old you would sleep 12 hours at night...amazing! Then you would get up for an hour and then go back to bed. Then take 2-3 more naps during the day. It's a no wonder you moved at 150 mph when you were up!!
You would also talk to everyone you were around. When I would take you grocery shopping you would say...Hi! Hi! Hi!..until they answered you back. You had a ability to strike up a conversation with complete strangers....all the time! One particular time I recall..I had taken you to the Med-Center for an ear infection. You set your sights on this 50 year old man sitting by himself. You slowly moved in on him, with a book in your hand. It took you awhile to get over to him, stopping at each chair and checking back to see what I was thinking. You finally got to him and held out your book..he said 'no thanks!' I'm pretty sure you would have climbed up on his lap and listened to him read you the story!
You have a zest for life and unlimited energy! It's not very often we see you sitting down quiet! You have given us some definite scares in life! When you were only 14 months old you spent 4 days in the hospital while they ran tests on you. It was then, that they discovered you had Celiac Disease. How grateful we were to find out you didn't have Cystic Fibrosis or a bowel obstruction or worse...Cancer!! You have been a trooper...that doesn't eat Wheat (or Rye, Oats or Barley)! Thank you God for keeping our little Trent under your care! He means the world to us!
Oh and then there was the broken leg this summer! What a day that was! You were so brave! We were so happy to see you when you came out of surgery! We almost can't think about how serious it could have been. You could have rolled that quad right on you! God has great things planned for your life....He needs your vibrant and bold voice!
Well Trent, we don't know where life will bring you! We pray God's protection on you. May you grow to be a Man that seeks after God with all your heart! We love you little Trenster!
(This picture is going to be invaluable someday!)
Happy Birthday Trent. My card is in the mail. Hope you have a great Birthday. Have an extra cupcake for me(I heard they are good).
Happy birthday Trent! I am so glad that I get to be a part of your life. You are amazing in so many ways! I hope mom and dad give you special treats for a whole week! Yeah, TRENT WEEK!
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