In January, I dreamed up and idea to help celebrate Mothers Day at our church. We (I) would sell flowers to adorn the stage area on Mothers Day....sounds simple huh! Well it wasn't too complicated, that is, till I realized I was having a garage sale at my house Thur, Friday & Sat.
I had to place the orders that week, meet the delivery man on Friday, and arrange the flowers in the church Saturday. Oh and I had to get a bulletin announcement to Cathy to put in by Thursday. Oh and did I tell you, I had to make a 'to and from' card for each basket?
If you knew my mom, this was a total 'Sharon' idea! She was always hatching a plan. She loved to come up with ideas and gather a crew to implement her idea. A lot of time it involved my dad coming to her rescue when she couldn't accomplish it by herself. She was a dreamer and thinker...she didn't let time, resources, money stand in her way. She always dreamed big!
Some of her bigger accomplishments were making Faux Stain Glass Windows for our church, the other biggy was a church cookbook...oh this wasn't like an other cookbook! You know the ones..where you gather all the recipes and send them into a publisher and they send back a completed book....yeh..no! She typed in every recipe and then got some place to allow her to help print them and colate them and comb bound them. She worked tirelessly to see that cookbook from start to completion.
So back to Mother's Day flowers. I contacted some flower growers and settled on 10" hanging baskets. I sold them for three weeks in the foyer...I was hoping to sell at least 5 baskets to make it look nice. We sold 66...I say 'we' now because Steve helped me promote it by handing out flyers to all the men. He stashed some in the mens bathroom and tucked them in hands that were carrying diaper bags and colored Sunday School papers.
Along came Thursday morning and I hadn't typed in all 66 names for the bulletin announcement yet...eeeks! I asked Steve to help with the sale...he oped to type in the names for the announcement...that was great with me! Then, I remembered that I needed to make a to & from card for each basket...eeeks again! Steve graciously agreed to type in the cards and printed and cut ALL the cards...WOW...what a guy! I think we knew he could do it on Friday or he would eventually be doing them on Saturday afternoon.
We boxed up all the left over sale stuff, took back the tables, and arranged all the flowers on Saturday afternoon. Thanks Steve for helping me out and doing more than your share. You did way more than you had to...but I do appreciate it...love you!
What an awesome idea! The church must have been beautiful on Mother's Day. The mothers who received them, I'm sure are more than pleased with the flowers and their husbands!
It's sweet to read you thinking like your Mom. She was a great idea lady. I remember her having our Brownie troop decorate quilt squares and she coordinated getting them all sewn together for the mothers of the troop having babies! No small task.
As for Steve, he's a true gift from God to you. You two make a good pair. I hope your garage sale profits were good to you this year!
Wow! You are welcome! I think we make a great team!
Thanks for putting this all together Joanne. I picked mine up on Sunday afternoon. I'm sorry we weren't there during the service to see them all together.
Did you get a picture of all of them in the sanctuary? If so, you should post it...it looked so pretty! Thanks again to both of you for coordinating this.
Are we going to start calling this type of feat (impossible, stretching, imaginative...) "pulling off a Sharon"?
joanne - your story was great and it was good to remember your mom in all her glory marshalling the troops into action. i remember many such productions!
congrats on your great feat! well done.
jo - i talked with Linda last night and, as you know, she looks at your blog. i was asking her if she reads all the fun comments - which add a lot to the blog entries and she didn't know how to do that. perhaps you should go out there and give her a training session! i think it would add to their experience.
I didn't remember this about your mom, but I'm sure my mom would. What I remember is her great sense of humor and how she always made us laugh!
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