We went to see a movie.....shocking I know! We really don't take in very many movies through out the year.
Friday was a special day.....we went to see Mall*Cop. The choices were Marley and Me or Mall*Cop. This is how I decided to pick the movie we would go see. I would watch the trailer on the computer and which ever one made me laugh I would go see...sounds fair right!?!? Well, to me honest, they both made me laugh...we took a quick family vote....and Mall*Cop won.
I have to admit, I kinda like Kevin James...he kinda has that John Candy style...may he rest in peace. I also have to admit, when John Candy died it kinda bummed me out.....no more Uncle Buck or Planes Trains and Automobiles...one of the funniest movies EVER! He was, what I would call a real actor! I mean, you could get a serious laugh going at one of his movies!
Now, was I talking about Mall*Cop or how funny John Candy was? Anyway, we arrived in Buckner fashion....as the trailers were playing with popcorn and pop in hand...a must! I wasn't disappointed! I laughed all the way through. Now, you more serious readers will not want to go see this selection...it's not for you! This is a movie strictly for entertainment purposes only. No plot to figure out, no blood, no gore, no nudity....well, except when he was fighting with the lady in Victoria Secrets, no swearing...just fun, fun, fun! I love to laugh, don't they say it does a body good???(or is that milk?) Isn't laughter the best medicine?
Siskel and I give it 2 thumbs up...or was that Ebert??...it's a must see!
Ummm... your boys would have been VERY disappointed if you would have taken the to Marley and Me and made them watch you cry! Good selection!
Souds like you had a great time with your family! And you can call me Jenny! I still go by that.
joanne... uh oh.. did you know you have competition in the Best Foreign Blog competition for 2009? you'll want to check out the left column of our blog in the 'blogs you should check out' to see who's breathing down your neck!
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