First Troy cut
Then Trent cut
Then Tyler finished it off
Troy & Trent hauled it to the truck
Here we are before we cut the tree....the tree behind Tyler....not the one in front of us! Ü
That was the easy part! Let me explain...we took our dog Jaxi for a little ride. We let her run...and...that she did. She was having a ball...running in the snow....having the kids chaser her. All was fun, till we wanted to leave!
You see, Jaxi doesn't like to ride in vehicles....so the chase began! First Tyler thought he could catch her..then Trent entered in...out hopped Steve...then Troy thought he could get her......NOPE! She is so stinking fast and she knows just how close she can get to us! We were chasing her a good 30 minutes...no kidding! Finally the kids headed to their house and caught her while we drove up! She might have lost her traveling privileges for awhile!
You see, Jaxi doesn't like to ride in vehicles....so the chase began! First Tyler thought he could catch her..then Trent entered in...out hopped Steve...then Troy thought he could get her......NOPE! She is so stinking fast and she knows just how close she can get to us! We were chasing her a good 30 minutes...no kidding! Finally the kids headed to their house and caught her while we drove up! She might have lost her traveling privileges for awhile!
The tree is still in the garage....maybe tomorrow! I have petitioned the 'powers to be' for an artificial tree...no go.....it's kinda sentimental to him being his grandparents owned a Christmas tree farm.
ask julie about her tree... or 'tree-let' as i think of it ;)
You need the Dog Whisperer. I know him personally!!Check out our blog 10-21-07!You need to be the pack leader!
I cut down a baby tree this year!!
I neeeeed the Dog Whisperer...despretly...does he do phone consultation....can he whisper over the phone??
We finely broke down and got and artificial tree a few years ago because we could never find a time when we all could go to get the tree, The fake tree as Kyla calls it has cut down on sooooo many fights & arguments we would have over how the tree would be put up, lite,and decorated....In that way it was worth getting a fake tree.....BUT.....I sure do MISS the Hunt for the perfect tree!!!!
Looks like you had fun. Thanks for sharing..I'll have to live precariously through you this year!!!!
What great family memories you made!!!! Aren't you glad for them?
Really the Dog Whisperer is awesome! I watch his show all the time. I'm impressed that Julie knows him personally!!! Maybe Cesar Millan and his balanced dog can fly out and help us with our dog and your dog at the same time!
By the way, love your tree - I do miss the smell of a real tree and yelling at the dog to not drink the tree water! Oh... more memories. Hope to see it decorated!
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