The biggest being Trent, he was born shortly after you died. Tyler has turned Sweet sixteen and Troy is a teen too! Joel is engaged to be married soon and Hannah is in college. Arie is in college too and Andrew is a junior in HS. Those kids have all grown so much in the last seven years!
You loved being a Grandma, they were your pride and joy! You always took so much time playing with our kids. You loved to get right down on the floor with them. Sometimes, I would come to pick up Tyler after work and you both would still be in your pj's. Tyler still exhibits some of the things, I know, were things you took the time to show him, many years ago!
Even I, am an image of you! I learned some wonderful lessons & skills from you. I got my undeniable gift of bargain shopping from you! It's not just a gift...it is a skill! It seemed like we spent every Saturday heading into Westnedge. You could buy 10 dollars worth of stuff for a dollar!...we spent many hours at Meijers with our shoebox of coupons! Not many people can compete with he ranks of the Rexford girls!
Among other loves, you had a real love for crafts. We had rooms and a basement full of 'craft project want-a-be's'. You taught us how to sew, make shrinky dinks, modge podge on wood boxes, put images on candles.......the list goes on and on....
You had a real love of photography. After an ice storm, off you would go, to find some candid shot of ice on a tree or a fence row. Very often your three girls were the subject of your pictures. Dad never enjoyed the picture taking..."come on Sharon...just take the stupid picture!" or Mom would say...." oops I forgot to wind the camera". We have lots of boxes of pictures of us and the fun we had....and ice on a tree....and rainbows.....and sunsets...and silhouettes of us....and....
You were our Brownie leader, our Girl Scout leader, our 4-H leader & our room mom. You were their when I crossed the bridge from Brownie to Girl Scout. You planned camp-outs in our back-yard and cake decorating with Mrs. Bell. You helped us make 4-H projects for the fair. And then there was bowling.....every Saturday....you wanted us to break 100...we wanted fries from the cafeteria. It still rings in my ears..."keep your arm straight...point your fingers toward the pins...." You helped when we showed cows in the fair...even to go pick them out. The most memorable being, the time you went to run in the manure but your boots didn't move with you...needless to say we all rode home with Dad that day!
There were so many great memories with you Mom...like our many vacations to Florida, a three week long trip out west, going to our cabin, a rodeo at our house (in the rain!), all our many farm animals, Long John Silver..you loved that place! and camping with the Nortons......the list goes on and on......
But most of all Mom you loved God with all your heart. You had a desire to see others come to know His saving grace! You didn't come from a wonderful home life but in your teens God reached down and 'picked you'...and you except His free gift. Your life would never be the same...no more physical and mental abuse...a new life that you could only dream of! I get the pleasure of seeing fruit from your time spent here at Kent City Baptist. You had the gift of hospitality and greeting. Just tonight, with tear filled eyes, someone came to me and recalled their first visit to KCBC and how you welcomed them, not only the first week but the second and third.....they are still there some 13 years later! And another recalled how you found a babysitter for her kids, so she could come to Ladies Bible Study! And I remember, how you brought home a lady from bible study, to stay the night because she couldn't go home. One man said he always hide when he saw you coming 'cause he knew you would have a project for him. You always had a idea, you were a thinker and a dreamer....always trying to find someone to help you implement your plan.....most of the time it was Dad!
I guess this is the end....I am who I am because of you Mom! You instilled so much value, character, worth and integrity in me. A true love for people...I'm a people person because of you. You loved each of us girls unconditionally.....you gave us the best...you gave us a great life...and we are so thankful for that life. We are all truly blessed in our lives....Thank you Mom!!!! Thank you for all the times, as a Mom, you sacrificed for us. We will never forget you and the legacy you left behind......
Just in case you are wondering....that picture was taken for a church directory. The man called me alligator face and apparentrly I didn't appreciate that! That is the picture that was published...I hope I have gotten a lot sweeter over the years!
I loved your mom and it still hurts thinking about her being gone from us. Thanks so much sharing your heartfelt memories. One of my favorite moments with your mom was when I was taking your sister to a movie one night and she asked what time we were going to be home. I remember her trying to figure out why we would possible need to get back so late - too funny. So, I said to her 'Mrs. Rexford, there's nothing I can't do with Julie before or during the movie that I can do with her after the movie.' She just stared at my audacity and screamed 'BILLLLLLLLLLLL' She was and is loved. I can't wait to see her again!
Wow, you have to give me a tissue alert. My favorite memory is setting the fields on fire. That was never a dull day!!
What a beautiful tribute to your mother. She was so much fun. Never a dull moment with your MOM!
I remember spending hours at Meijer with your mom and sisters with that shoe box! Oh all the times sitting in your TV room while your mom did her nails!!! Even going to Bible Study with you and I'm Catholic!!! (I never learned so much going to mass)
So much fun. She was an awesome leader in Girl Scouts, 4-H and as a role model. Thanks for reminding me of so much joy.I am thankful I was blessed to know your mom, but upset I didn't learn her buying power.
Your mom was a woman who loved the the lord with her whole heart.I got to know her a few years before she got sick the last time. the one thing I remember about your mom was she was so creative, she could come up with these crazy Ideas and then get them done, for instance...she asked me to help her on this faux stain glass window project for easter one year, I thought she was crazy at first but once I understood her vision the project was a great asset that year. while we are on that subject... do you know what ever happened to those stain glass pannells?
Your mom was so looking forward to the new church building, she talked about it alot with hopes for a nice craft room while we were sifting thur the cramped area there was in the old building.
I know she is up in heaven right now praising the lord for all he has done, and looking forward to when she will be reunited with her loved ones.
Hey, how come no one mentioned how much sweeter I am??
Thanks Joanne for your post on you mom. I was going to ask if that was you scowling! LOL We are praying for a young gal right now who has brain cancer. She has three young children and her name is Joanna she has a blog too curtisandjoanna.blogspot.com/. They are NTM missionaries. I've never met them but am friends with her sister. Anyways your post came at a timely manner. WOW!
Dawn, I have no idea where those are...probably in a landfill somewhere??
To be honest...I forgot all about them till you wrote about them!
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