Steve took Troy to get his first gun last night at Gander Mountain. Troy was so helpful and kind last night.....hmmmm....wonder why?

He got a Marlin....something, something, bolt action, black, long pointy gun!??! I do know he can use it to Deer hunt! Now he needs to save for a scope. To say the least, Troy sure is proud of his purchase!!!
Steve underestimated the amount of paper work that would have to be filled out to purchase a gun. Oh, he knew there would be some.....but nothing like what he encountered! He said he had to sign more papers than for his mortgage! He said he expected the FBI to come out of the back room at any minute!!
As of lately, they have been doing a lot of Archery target practice in our back yard. They will have to go to Neil & Bonnie's to shoot the don't get to worried! We do live in Michigan, but they do have SOME regulations against that!!
We will keep you posted if he takes a deer with it!.....
I think I like us sticking to our "cuttlebugs" and "cricuts" for our hobbies, right, Joanne? It looks safer and more FUN.
Thats an awesome gun i should get one
It is a Marlin XL-7. Marlins new Bolt Action Deer Rifle. Troy picked 270. It is a great gun for the price. I think I might need one.
dude, I want a gun!!!
That gun is almost as big as he is!!! Good luck bagging your deer this year !!!
Guns? I'm glad Joel always stuck to swords.
Do NOT get Tod a gun!! He has enough toys!!
in this election year - when so much is at stake. i say - every citizen in this great land is entitled to a gun. a big, long, loud, bullet shooting, shot-propelling gun. and those who seek to deprive you of this additional 'right' (along with all the others I made up today and will make up tomorrow and the next day) are anti-American and just basically stupid.
my name is Tod - and I approved this message
That would be scary.....of course so are our choices!!
i'm serious. don't you think we could fix this whole country in about a hour if we really wanted to?
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