As you can see, some are doing better than others. The Clematis is doing very well on it's own. It takes no help from me...and receives none. I can almost take no credit for it's success. I planted it and that's about all I can say for myself.

And some aren't....
This is the kind of plant that doesn't do so well in the Buckner yard. It's so needy! It starts out well about June when I pick it out and bring it home. I even water it and take of the dead heads. But then about July 18th I start to think it's a lost cause and give up on it. I look at it everyday on my deck and see it's dying leaves and no new buds and think I really should water it....but I don't? What is wrong with me? I should just not buy plants that aren't self sufficient!
You should just go out and buy a new plant. They are on sale right now! All lush and beautiful. No one will know that you didn't take care of it this summer. It should last until school starts and then who cares if it doesn't survive. Fall is good for brown colors. It will blend right in!
Your clematis is beautiful though. And give yourself more credit. They are hard to keep if not planted in the right spot. You did a great job!
You must go to the same school of green thumb that I do:) I have the matching plant at home.
I have a green thumb and I have a terrible time with those hanging basket plants. They are so beautiful in the store but worthless once I get them home.
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