We had a wonderful Easter dinner at Neil and Bonnie's house. We enjoyed all the fixings, with my personal favorite....sweet potatoes!!!....and Strawberry Shortcake to boot! We were hoping the road would stay drivable so we could have dinner at their house and then be able to visit G-ma 'Buck'. She is going to be 97 this fall...yes I said 97! Can you image??....That would mean that I'm not even half-way! We had a great visit with everyone...Grandpa's. Grandma's and Great-Grandma's!!!
The road, kinda their driveway, stayed drivable. Some years they have to ride 4-wheelers in and out till the road dries out...another...can you imagine?? You thought hauling groceries in from the car was bad! It reminds me of when Craig and Kristi lived on Mackinac Island. They had to bike in everything they wanted....makes you kinda look at everything differently!! One year they lived in what they called the village....the center of the island, kinda up behind the Grand Hotel. And when I say 'up'...I mean up! We visited them that summer...I walked my bike up the hill!! I told them I wasn't coming to visit till they moved to the outside & flat perimeter! All I have to say is, you don't go back for your purse if you forgot it!! I do remember Kristi could petal up that hill with a cart on the back of her bike!....She's quite a women! Call me wimpy, but I'm not sure I could ever pull that off!! I did enjoy the visits when they moved to a house on the main drag!...pretty cool to stay on the island for a couple of days!! One year we took Tyler with his broken leg. We biked him all around the Island and brought a picnic lunch that we enjoyed part way around. Wow....was that fun! Oh!! summer.....what will we do this summer!?!?!