Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Our Little Sparky....

Monday, April 21, 2008
It was a G-R-E-A-T Day......
Below is a picture of the 'Move that Bus Moment'
(that wasn't an original idea...if any of you were wondering!)

(P. Ken along with the Building committee) Dad on the left
The cross out in front of the church. It was put out on the land when it was purchased, in part by Tim Rawson.
"MOVE THAT BUS!!" Pastor Josh 'TY' Fisher
Exterior view (some work still needs to be done!) Picture was taken before all the masses arrived!
Sign that sits along side of M-37, in memory of......William Sr. & Vivian Rexford (my Dad's Dad & Mom), Marian(aka Aunt Marian) Mundinger-Rexford-Hunt (my Dad's Step-Mom), Lawson & Eunice Brown (my Dad's Grandparents) and Sharon Rexford (my Mom).
All were instrumental in the development of KCBC.....they would be so proud to see a sign proclaiming the Good News it represents. The Building committee...it's been a long road!!
Some of the facts of the day......720 in attendance......(140 of that were kids!)...not many open seats in the sanctuary!!
60 cars still had to park in the dirt!
Come early on May 4th!!!!
It was so awesome to see all the seats filled and so many of them filled with people I've never seen. This is why we built a new church...to reach our community! The harvest is ripe!......
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Field Trip....

Thursday, April 17, 2008
A New Found Love.....
Okay, anyways back to my new love. They have a 'free' listing for Grand Rapids. Normally, it's broken concrete, old TV, couch that my dog chewed a hole in....you get the idea! This particular day I was checking it and there it was....A hot tube (that's how it was listed) knowing it was a probably a hot tub, I clicked on it. There it was....a 4 yr old 6-8 person with all working parts but needing a cover. It stated that they paid just under 7,000 for it! What?? are you kidding me, my thought...scam. You know, if it's so good to be true...it is!
So Steve picked up the phone and promptly called on it and guess what.....busy...shocking! Mind you, we were only calling 15 min. after it was listed. So he left a message. I left a message about an hour later stating we would be willing to pay some cash for it?????? (My thought...you gotta 'stand out') We were pretty confident after a couple of hours that it was gone. I did pray as I was working in the yard....."Lord if you would want us to have this, would you work out the details." Low and behold about 4pm we received 'the' phone call. The lady asked if we were still interested in the hot tub? Steve said absolutely!!!!! By 5 we were headed down with our trailer and a neighbor. We soon realized that it was going to take more than two guys and me to lift this item! We paid her $100 and told her we would be back! She stated that she had received over 100 phone calls...no doubt in my mind! I felt like I was the big winner!!
So yesterday, we called on some unemployed friends to help Steve bring it home......it was H-E-A-V-Y! The homeowners had put up a fence since it was placed on their deck....needless to say, it was a little difficult to get it on the trailer. They did get it home and it resides on a trailer in our backyard. Side story...when Steve went down to pick it up, I didn't go, but he lady was talking to him and said "I called you 'cause your wife sounded so nice when she left the message!"
It does need a cover (and some stain) but the lady said everything else works...we will soon see. I asked Steve to 'mock' hook it up before we get rid of our old tub just in case something doesn't work. We are not sure what we will do with our old one?!?!?
In my opinion, this is a great Craigslist story! Okay I'm now realizing I just revealed my secret.......CL! Now, I have that much more competition. I'm guessing there is enough 'stuff' to go around!!! May all of you have a CL story like ours......
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The BIG 40!....
We enjoyed a great dinner at Dad and Linda...thanx Linda! Steve had a village meeting at night, so I had snuck a balloon and cake there earlier in the day. They sit in assigned seats so I tied the balloon to his chair for the night. Seemed kinda uneventful for a big birthday.
What he didn't know was that I had planned a Surprise party for him on Saturday....with some help from a few friends. We had a party-Euchre tournament. We had 20 players and about 40 total came.....so obviously not everyone played. I'm pretty sure that everyone had a great time!
Out of respect for my husband, I'm refraining from posting a picture of him with the Fairy. I hired a Fairygram to come and sing a little song to him. Needless to say, this wasn't the highlight of the night for him. He came in a pink leotard, tutu, blond wig and big red lips. Steve was sprinkled with fairy dust, leaving a trail the rest of the night!
Thanx goes to all of you that helped me "pull this off!" An extra special thanx to Brian and Caryn Snyder for letting us use your house....it's beautiful! Thanx to all of you that came and made Steve's birthday extra special! We have wonderful friends and family.....
Friday, April 4, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray.......