Sorry these are coming to you with such delay...I left my camera at Grandma B's birthday party...pics of that will be coming soon.
What's a girl to do without a picture to post with!
We are so proud of this milestone! You have a little determination in you boy! He wanted the training wheels taken off his bike Friday pm, which Steve did! He promptly hopped on and did amazingly good! Saturday he went out to practice again....and away he went...around the block !! I think having two older brothers played a role in him catching on so fast! He wants to keep up with them. The boys took him up toward the school where there is an incline toward our house and sent him down. They told him it was called the "man hill"!
The video isn't the best but it was so funny we had to put it on! We actually were using our regular camera which probably isn't the best for video! He thought the black fro wig added a nice touch! He looks like he's heading to the circus!
I had taken another video earlier, as I hit the off button he proceeded to hit the back of Steve's truck...that would have been some good footage!!
I hope most of you can enjoy the video. I'm not sure how long it will take to load. For those of you who can't, I posted a few still pictures!
Hope you all enjoy the pics! Everday is a blog day!
Steve spent Saturday tearing apart our wash machine because I thought our clothes had too much lint on them! It sounds silly...but it had to be done! The verdict is still out whether or not it helped! It sure made me happy to know how clean my wash machine was on the inside! Aren't we women crazy about our appliances! Stand up and be proud if you like your appliances in good working order! I can't be the only one out there. Thanx Honey for all your hard work keeping my appliances in good working order....I really appreciate you! Best of all...we had no left over parts!